Universities and Academic Research

Drives Disruptive Research Programs between DOD and Academia

CS has represented academic organizations since our inception. Our personnel have in depth experience representing university clients both on Capitol Hill and within government agencies, with team members including former academic administrators (e.g., Vice Provost for Research) as well as former and / or retired Program Managers from various government agencies. Our capabilities in the R&D domain include:

CS works closely with both the research leadership of our university clients and the primary investigators to ensure a synchronized effort moving forward.

  • Evaluating current R&D initiatives and matching those initiatives to current requirements or future requirements, this would include current projects funded or pursued by other agencies. We analyze research crossover potential from other agencies to DoD or vice versa;
  • Assisting with the identification and pursuit of R&D funding from government and private sector sources;
  • Developing relationships with government and private sector organizations in order to tailor specific research initiatives for our University clients;
  • Assisting with the identification and pursuit of licensing partners for the transfer and commercialization of existing technologies; and the further development of emerging technologies for the purpose of commercialization; and,
  • Either on our own or working with current government representation, seeking an increase of top-line funding within the government though the relevant Committees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.

CS works closely with both the research leadership of our university clients and the primary investigators to ensure a synchronized effort moving forward.